The original site of Jiugui liquor factory was located at Zhenwuying Village, Jishou City, Hunan Province, with Zhangjiajie to the north and ancient town of Fenghuang to the south. The Langtou River originating from the Ludong Mountain, which is a sacred mountain of the Miao people, passes through the valley, nourishing the three clear springs (dragon, phoenix, and beast) used for winemaking in the mountain. This 1960‘s factory was unique that its structures and buildings for brewing are build upon this spring water system, which become the highlight of this renovation. The projects restores the natural flow and course of the spring and their connecting streams, and conceived as the re-emergence of nature, among the ruins of the abandoned factory structures. On top of the hills we created 5 rock like structures, housing the wine museum, Chu cultural museum and a history museum. In the valley new structures weave through the fabric of the existing factory. A raised visitors‘ pathway joints all major buildings, which houses wine brewing spaces, exhibition space, theater, banquet hall, visitor center, restaurants and commerce center. Two run-down structures designed by the renow artist Huang Yong Yu were repaired and preserved.
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